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#include "software_SPI.h"
#include "RSLinkCustom.h"
#include "SYSTEM.h"
//Define some channel stuff here
typedef struct{
uint8_t state;
uint32_t Temperature;
uint16_t CJTemp;
uint32_t lastTick;
uint8_t captureFlags;
//uint8_t pin;
} ThermoData;
#define THERMO_CHN_COUNT 3 //TODO Duplicate from IDIBUS_IMPL_Custom
//Also hardcoded value in sSPI
ThermoData ThermoSensor[THERMO_CHN_COUNT];
enum InitMode { //BitFlags
NoConversion = 0x00,
OneShotConversion = 0x01,
AutoConversion = 0x02
uint8_t MaxSelectedChannel;
void Max_Init(uint8_t ch, uint8_t initMode);
uint8_t IsMaxDRDYLow(uint8_t ch);
void Max_Handler();
#endif /* MAXHANDLER_H_ */