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#ifndef _INC_USART_COM_H_
#define _INC_USART_COM_H_
//#include "stm32f4xx.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
////#include <string.h>
#include "System.h"
//#include "CUST_GPIO.h"
//#include "TIMERS.h"
#define F_CPU 16000000UL
#ifdef _CPU_ATMEGA328PB_ //Maybe move this
#include "m328pb_defs.h"
#endif // #ifdef _CPU_ATMEGA328PB_
#ifdef _CPU_ATMEGA2560_
#include "m2560_defs.h"
#endif // _CPU_ATMEGA2560_
typedef struct {
//DMA_Stream_TypeDef *DMATX;
volatile uint16_t TxBufCount;
//uint16_t TxPacketSize;
uint16_t TxSendedCount;
volatile uint16_t RxBufCount;
uint16_t InterFrameTimeoutTicks;
volatile uint8_t TxComplete;
volatile uint8_t RxError;
volatile uint8_t RxComplete;
#endif //_INC_USART_COM_H_